I try to incorporate something leopard print into every outfit, but who knew I could eat it too!! Thanks to the best-dressed YMCA camp counselor I know (Sina) for snapping this shot of little Katie's afternoon snack.
Whenever I'm down I call on you my friend A helping hand you lend in my time of need So I'm calling you now just to make it through What else can I do, won't you hear my plea Friends may come and friends may go But you should know that I've got your back It's automatic, so never hesitate to call Cuz I'm your sista and always for ya
I totally get why guys grow out their mustaches' sometimes, they just wanna have some fun!! It looks like a blast, maybe ill grow mine out. On second thought, FridaKhalo is the only chick that could rock a stash and still look hot.
I'm dying for the gold mustache key holder. SO RAD. It would be a really cool house-warming gift. I don't really know anyone who is moving...oh well, I'll just have to buy it for myself.
Don't reserve your best behavior for special occasions. You can't have two sets of manners, two social codes- one for those you admire and want to impress, another for those whom you consider unimportant. You must be the same to all people.
-Lillian Eichler Watson
From Derek Blasberg's new book, Classy. Learn about it.